Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Austhink in progress..

People all around the world are using Rationale to improve their critical thinking and decision-making.
To be able to continue and expand the use of Rationale in the next decade it is necessary to develop an on-line version.
Rationale Online will solve at the same time the inconveniences that Mac/Linux users have now with using Rationale.

In 2010 it became clear that Austhink Software Ltd. was for a variety of reasons not able to make the necessary investments in the development of Rationale Online.

Critical Thinking Skills (CTS), a Dutch organisation with its headquarters in Amsterdam, is since 2011 the new owner of the software Rationale as well as bCisive and bCisive Online.

CTS will continue under the name Austhink the development of the software and selling of licenses world wide. In the Netherlands CTS operates under the name Kritisch Denken. Kritisch Denken developed the Dutch version of Rationale.

Right now we are in the process of developing Rationale Online. We expect the first version the second half of 2012. After having available the online version of Rationale, a Spanish version and the option of online colloboration will be added.

To give you a preview: hereunder a picture of a screen of Rationale Online in a browser and on an iPad - although we have not decided yet that the development of Rationale for an iPad is worth the effort (screen too small?).

Let us know your thoughts!


  1. Timo,

    Does it only work on Mac or Linux platforms?

    I am currently using an Acer Aspire AS5750Z-4835 model and wondering if I also can use Ratinonale?


  2. This software is helpful for everyone thank you for the developer.

    MacBook Pro MD101LL/A owner

  3. Please DO develop an iPad version.

    I recently did a critical thinking course with Yanna Rider. I also use an iPad for just about everything. Most iPad users cope fine with the 10" screen size.

    I was clamouring for the application that Yanna was using at her training course and was disappointed to find it wasn't available on the app store as an iPad version. It would make an incredibly powerful tool for me and other users.

    Please consider developing the iPad version I'm sure it would be profitable.


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