Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rationale Online: request for beta testers

We are proud to announce the publication of Rationale Online in a private beta version in April.

Rationale Online is platform independent and works in all modern browsers (Mac problem solved!). Rationale Online is completely compatible with Rationale 2: all maps made in Rationale 2 can be imported in Rationale Online (see the second video hereunder).

After initial testing, all the functionalities out of Rationale 2 will be present in the first version of Rationale Online in July.

Experienced users of Rationale 2 are invited to participate in the early private beta starting in April.
Mail to: info@kritischdenken.nl

Soon after the initial release a tablet version of Rationale Online will become available.

At the same time we are working on a collaboration function in Rationale Online that will be added as soon as possible.

For a first impression, see these two video's: the first one is focusing on mouse handling:

The second one shows importing existing Rationale files into Rationale Online:


  1. Hi Lion,

    The Tablet version will be ready at the end of January 2014. Check at www.rationaleonline.com .

    Kind regards,
    Timo ter Berg

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  4. Hey, how is things going? I'm still waiting for the Rationale for android.


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